Oct 31, 2011

Eph 2:1-10

Pray for God to show you something to use from the passageRead the Passage at least twiceWho is in the passage?What action verbs do you see?What other words stick out in your mind

Four things stand out
We were dead- Walking zombies, different desires
Made alive by God through Christ
How Rich is God's grace
Look at how Christ changes our life
1. Made alive with Christ
2. Raised up with Christ
3. Seated with Christ in heavenly realms b/c of Chirst
4. God kindness to us displayed in Christ
5. We are created in Chirst to do good works
It is not about us at all. The only thing we do is have faith (vs 8) and do what God has prepared us to do. The path to slavation is through Jesus. There is no other way!

vs 1- 3 even though we lived; we were really dead. Why b/c we followed the "ruler of the air" (Satan). Interesting that paul acknowledges Satan does have a kingdom. But like all earthly kingdoms it will also pass away. (see Luke 4:6-7, Rev 17:14, Rev 20:10)
We lived to gratify ourselves (so we thought, really just pawns of Satan see 6:11-12) disobedient to the one who created us (vs 10) . It is our nature, our makeup to be disobedient and therefore we deserve the wrath of God
4-7 In spite of what we desevere God steps in b/c of His great love and rich mercy and gives us life through Christ. We are made alive through God's work in Christ. Better yet we are given the privledge of being at the table with Christ (adoption as children of God 1:5) and it is not just for a time; it is forever. It is a love and mercy that is continially shown forever! By the power of God this happens (1:19-20) The power of God to raise Christ can also raise us through forgiveness.
8-9 In case you haven't gotten it yet Paul sums it up. It is not about what you can do to get to God. It is about what God did to get to you. Your life is a gift! We have no claim to it being anything we have done.
vs 10 - Because it is God's work, we belong to Him (1:14). We are a new creation (2 Cor 5:17-18) created by God to do good works that seek to reconcile others to Him. God has planned to use us from the beginning. He has lavishly given us what we need to do His plan (1:8) That plan is to bring all things under Christ (1:10, 21, 22) It is in Christ that all things are fullfilled and completed, especially us. (1:23)

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