Nov 1, 2011

Eph 2:11-22

Pray for God to show you something to use from the passage Read the Passage at least twice Who is in the passage? What action verbs do you see? What other words stick out in your mind

Paul continues to talk about the former life that has been changed. This time the former life of a gentile. The difference between Jew and Gentile has been removed. This sounds very much like a letter Paul would have written in response to the meeting in Jerusalem about the Gentiles or perhaps the cause of such a meeting(Acts 11:17-18 or Acts 15) This is a new way and causes much division between Judaism and Christianity. and much debate between Jewish Christians and those who came to the faith from outside of Judism. ( see Gal, esp 5:1-15, 3:28-29) The Question is do you have to follow the cerimonally law of Judaism (inculding circumsion) in order to be a Christian? Paul says that barrior has been destroyed (vs 14).

vs 11- "Uncircumcised" was a derogatory term the Jews used against the Gentiles.
vs 12- the truth about the Gentiles was they were far away from God, foreigners without hope, without God. Think about being a foreigner in a land where you do not speak the language, where you don't know anyone. Think how isolated you would be. How out of place you would feel. That is where the Gentiles were before Christ.
vs 13 but Christ Changed that. No longer far away or the foreigner; you are brought near. Think of Pentecost and the disciples having the ability to speak the different languages of the people through the power of the Holy Spirit. Was that a symbol of the barriors being broken? (Acts 2:4-12)
Christ Death was for all people, the promise to Abraham being fullfilled (Gen 12:1-3)
vs 14-17 Peace between us and God becomes the emphasis. A peace that is available whether you are Jewish or Gentile. Both groups need it. And now both groups have access to it. IT is the purpose of God! It is part of the work of the Cross, "put to death their hostility" And now the two groups become one. (Gal 3:28) The barriors to the access of God are gone. And we should live this way. (Do we put up barriors that keep people from God?)
The Gentile used to be far away but now they are near. As near as any Jew to the peace of God (luke 2:14) Access to God the Father through the blood of Jesus (vs 13). The life we now live together (Jew and Greek) is through the Spirit of God. (Again notice the trinity aspect)
vs 19-22 Paul's conclusion in case you didn't get it the first time. (this is a big change in how Jews and Greeks looked at each other and therefore Paul wants to make it very clear) He also wants the Gentiles to understand that they are not second class citizens to God.
vs 19 They are aliens no longer (think of how illegal aliens are treated in US) but citizens with God's people. Not only citizens but members of God's household. (what if an illegal alien was made not only a citizen but also a member of the President's family. That is what Paul is talking about)
vs 20-21 The old testament covenant was not without pupose. The teaching of the prophets and the apostles shows the need all have for God (Matt 5:17-18, it also pointed to this day -Isa :56:3-8) It was part of God's plan, part of God's Building. But the centerpiece of everything is Christ. Every aspect of God's new holy temple comes from Chirst. Without Him there is no way to worship God. We (Jew and Greek together) are part of that temple. (see 1 Cor 3:16) It is where God lives through his Spirit. Again notice the Trinity
Paul emphasis is on the "we" of the church; no divisions! (see John 17:22-23)
Am I in the business of being a part of God's temple or trying to destroy it through divisions that should never be?

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