Mar 21, 2010

Day 51

Luke 11:1–4 (NIV)

1 One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” 2 He said to them, “When you pray, say: “ ‘Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. 3 Give us each day our daily bread. 4 Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation.’ ”

Pray for God to show you something to use from the passage

Read the Passage

Who is in the passage?

What action verbs do you see?

What other words stick out in your mind


How does the focus of the prayer change in the prayer itself? What is the focus shown on God? What is the focus shown on you?

What in this prayer is hard to do?

What in your prayer life needs to improve based on what you see Jesus telling the disciples?


vs 1- the prayers of Jesus have been an underlying theme in Luke. Here the disciples, having seen the importance of prayer in Jesus' life now want to better understand how to pray. John also must have viewed prayer as important

It is not like they haven't been praying, they just want to know what is important

vs 2 Father- the word carries both intimacy and respect. A father who loves and is involved yet who is treated well

Hallowed- holy is your name (1:49) it's not me, not favorite person, favorite team, preacher, an angel, a saint- only God! Reminds of the first commandment! (Ex 20:3) No one else compares, that’s why we can pray to Him! He can actually do something about what we pray for. Where do I put my energies?

Your Kingdom come- Not my way of thinking, not some political party, person, movement. Not some denomination, God's kingdom!

Do I think in terms of my kingdom? Of the way I would want this world to operate?

Jesus has talked a lot about God's kingdom (37 times God's kingdom mentioned in verses of Luke) Jesus is the bringer of the kingdom. Yet we also understand while it exist it is not yet fulfilled on earth. We pray for that day and it should be our focus!

Do I eagerly desire God's kingdom or am I too worried about my own?

The first part of the prayer is recognizing God and his priorities. The second part is about asking for what we need., Not what we selfishly want, but what we need.

Each Day- Not focused on a lifetime but on today- Matt 6:25-34 Trust God in the moments, do not get caught up in a future that you have no understanding of. You understand what you need today best. Tomorrows we do not know. Think back to what Jesus told the 72 who went out. Take nothing extra with you- God will provide

daily Bread- reminds me of the manna in the exodus story- only to get enough for the day, anymore and it would spoil. Trust God for today knowing he will provide. These are the necessities of life.

Forgive our sins- Have to admit we fall short- Rom 3:23 - Why ask God to forgive?- He is the one we have offended. He is the one who has the power to forgive!

we forgive- now the hard part see 6:37-38 - (forgive and you will be forgiven) How can I ask God to forgive me if I will not forgive someone who has wronged me? See Matt 18:23-35

indebted- we do not hold the sin as a trump card to be played when we want to win a battle- 1 Cor 13:5 (Keeps no record of wrongs)

Lead into temptation- The words here about temptation are not about God wanting us to fall. They are about God providing for us a way out 1 Cor 10:13, Helping us by His provision. Think of Jesus' conversation with Peter before he was betrayed Luke 22:31-32. In some sense God tests us. What living here on earth is about- Will we listen and respond or choose our own way. The of the 4 types of soil (Luke 8:5-ff) But God's desire is that we accept Him and turn away from sin. Hence Ask God to lead us away from it

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