Nov 9, 2011

Eph 4:14-16

Pray for God to show you something to use from the passage Read the Passage at least twice Who is in the passage? What action verbs do you see? What other words stick out in your mind

vs 14- the idea of growing in your faith through the practical teaching. Appling the teaching to your thought process and allowing the Holy Spirit to bring discernment through the teaching. Idea of infants- ok for a short time but you need to grow beyond that. (see 1 Cor 3:1, Heb 5 :13)
The key to withstanding schemes and cunning of those who would pull you away from your faith is to grow. How do you know if you are an infant? Do you believe what someone says because of them being a So called expert or can you ask the question of how this relates to scripture. How do you discern whether someone is telling a truth or not? Can you relate it to scripture or do you not know enough to do so. If you can't you will find yourself moving from one belief to another and being used by those who use religion for their benefit.

vs 15- Teaching should allow us to deal with the world and each other by telling the truth in love. To be able to discern hat God would have me do in the situatuions I face.
Truth without love can become "I am better than you" attitude. Love without truth can allow things to happen that should not be allowed. Putting both together allows the building up of the body of Christ even if it means discipling. The key is it is not to destroy a person but to help them when they mess up.
When growth happens this way then we draw closer to Jesus, He becomes more a part of us (3:17) We work together for a common purpose given to us by Christ ( who also gives us what we need to do the work) We support each other, encourage each other, strengthen each other, love each other. Love is what brings us together and helps us bear one another. (4:2) The key is for all to "grow up" so you can do your work for the good of the body.

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