Nov 10, 2011

Ephesians 4:17-24

Pray for God to show you something to use from the passage Read the Passage at least twice Who is in the passage? What action verbs do you see? What other words stick out in your mind

Paul now turns to his purpose in saying all that he has. The people he is in charge of reaching "the Gentiles" is who he now addresses. They as part of God's family are to change from the old way to a new way. The new way is being part of God's family through the message taught to them about Jesus. That message is life changing. This turn of topic is where what Paul says echos the message asked by the Jewish Christian leaders to be told to the Gentiles. (Acts 15:24-29)
vs 17 Paul gets serious here. He has set up the fact that he and more importantly God do not see Gentiles different than Jews. But he now says you cannot live the way you use to. The Gentile lifestyle is wrong (note Paul would also say the legalistic way of Judaism is also wrong Rom 2:17-29) see Rom 1:18-32. It leads to a way that is far from God.
vs 18 (see John 1:5) The ignorance of lostness causes people to go farther away from God.
vs 19 Lost all sensitivity- (skin becomes so calloused that one cannot feel pain, don't realize when you are being hurt) Three types of sin that are progressive. Move from sexual sin to further sins of all kinds to being addicted to sin to the point you constantly lust for more.
vs 20- 21 But Paul says that has changed for you. When you came to know Christ the truth came to you. (no longer being deceived) You heard of Christ and accepted him. Now you are being taught the way of Christ (3:14-19)
vs 22- 24 that teaching is about change. (see Gal 5:16-26, Col 3:5-17, 2 Cor 5:17) It is a change that is the work of God (vs 23 made new, vs 24 created, God's workmanship 2:10) but also is a decision by us. (vs 22 put off, vs 24 put on) Our choice is to get rid of the old and allow God to work in adding the new. It is a new attitude, a new way of thinking.
vs 24- created to be like God (see Gen 1:26) The way God intended is now being done. The righteousness and holiness of God is not fake, not pretend (that is what many Jews had been guilty of) . It is real because it comes from God himself.
(see 3:16-19)

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