Nov 16, 2011

Eph 6:1-4

Pray for God to show you something to use from the passage Read the Passage at least twice Who is in the passage? What action verbs do you see? What other words stick out in your mind

The family relationship between children and parents is explored if somewhat briefly. I wonder if Paul would have talked about it more if he had children.
The passage is similar to the one in Col 3:20-21. Both reflect the Jewish view of the day other than the direction to "bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord" and the word to the children of obeying the parents "in the Lord"
vs 1, 2 The focus on the Lord Christ makes this different from the Jewish view in the sense that Paul now places the commands in the view of Christ. In doing this the parent is suppose to teach the children who Jesus is (vs 4) and how to live for Him. But it also places a provision in the command to obey your parents. Do it through the Lord. The focus is on obeying through the eyes of Jesus. Therefore if your parents did not believe in Jesus being the Christ it does not mean that you then also give up your belief in Jesus. Jesus is the ultimate. But it also means loving them as Jesus calls us to. The role of forgiveness that Jesus taught comes to mind. This love is a sacrificial love as we have already seen expressed in the husband and wife relationship and the directive in vs 21. That sacrificial love is also expected in children and parents.
The role of family in the character and upbringing of children has been well studied. The influence of a good home cannot be denied in terms of life itself. The truth of the commandment with a promise in vs 3 has been validated over and over again. Family is a key factor in how life will come out. One can break the cycle of a bad family but it is much easier to come from the backing of a good family life.
vs 3 The promise of vs 3 is Paul view of Deut 5:16 and Ex 20:12. He has left off the land promise. It is interesting to think about why the land promise failed. The prophets told time and time again of why God had removed the Jews from Israel. Their failure in community was one of the reasons as well as their drifting away from God. But family relationships seem to be overall a good quality of Jewish life. The prophets many times compare the Jewish people to children who rebel against a parent (Isa 1:4). While the Jews were back in their homeland it was occupied by Rome. Many Jews also lived outside of the area. So Paul does not focus on the land promise but rather the life promise.

vs 4 Exasperate- great word. Fathers do not abuse your authority over the children. You have children to bring them up in the knowledge of God; not to make your life easier by having them do all the work. Remember we are dealing with a largely rural society. Children were needed to farm , shepherd etc. Love your children! Teach them how to live in a way that honors God. Part of that process is them learning how to honor their parents.

Training and instruction- whose place is it to bring up the children to know God? Here Paul places the emphasis on the fathers.

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