Nov 12, 2011

Ephesians 5:1-7

Pray for God to show you something to use from the passage Read the Passage at least twice Who is in the passage? What action verbs do you see? What other words stick out in your mind

Now Paul starts talking about how to live as Christians in the society you find yourself in.

vs 1-2 Imitate God as dearly loved children. - think about that a minute. The first key is the Child (us) is dearly loved. It does no good and is in fact bad if a child imitates a unloving parent. Second think about how a child does look up to a parent for an example of how to live. How to deal with life. What better role model than God! What should an imitator of God produce? -vs 2 says we live a life of love. - Just like Christ who is the human model of God living on this earth. He was willing to give himself as a sacrifice for the good of us. (See Phil 2:5-11) His sacrifice pleased God. Why? not because of the act, but because of the reason behind the act of dying. (see 1 Cor 13:13) . It was an act of pure love! We are called to do the same. (see Rom 12:1-2) Remember the verse just before- Forgive each other as God forgave you.
vs 3 Paul goes back to name the opposite of what it is to be an imitator of God. As Holy People we are to be different than the world around us. As imitators of God there is only one way to live this life of love. The three areas mentioned Sexual immorality (note: in the Roman world it was not very different than today. Actually it was worse. Having sex with a temple prostitute was a away of worshipping some of the pagan gods. Adultery was tolerated in circles for men. Homosexuality was in some places a rite of passage to adulthood) all kinds of impurity, and greed all have to do with a self centered focus. What is best for me without the concern of what is best for others. It is the opposite of what God is about.
vs 4 - how we operate in our daily lives should show the difference God has made in us. Don't get caught up in what society says is appropriate. What those you work with or live with do. The obscene, coarse joking. foolish talk do not show God as the priority of your life. These ways of talking belittle people and God. They do not show the urgency of spreading the message of Christ.
(Note: foolish talk- talking about things of no consequence) I am guilty of that one.
Instead we should speak words of thanksgiving for what God has done. We should be about encouraging each other (4:12)
vs 5- 7 There are consequences for living this way. You can not pretend to love God and still live doing these things. Living this way is saying you can play God. You get to decide what is right and wrong based on what you desire, forgetting God and others. That is idolatry and will not allow you into God's kingdom (see Luke 13:24-27) Don't allow anybody to tell you it is okay to be religious but still live the old lifestyle. (old has gone new has come) These are empty words. They are untrue. Stay away from people like this! God will judge them accordingly.

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